Monday, March 17, 2008

Patience, Who, Me?!?!

Okay, if you know me very well, you would know that I have NO patience. When I want things done, I want them done yesterday. When I am anxious for something to happen the day can last 2400 hours.....remember Christmas Eve as a child...the day lasted F O R E V E R!! That is what I am talking about.

Well, my patience has been tested the past week or so, I am SO EXCITED to show the world my new webpage and to get the word out about my new venture and it is taking F O R E V E R to get the site up live. I am waiting, waiting, waiting, checking my email, waiting some more....UGH! Come on already!

So, I suppose if you are reading this the site is live and I am now a happy and satisfied girl. Thank you for listening, I feel much better!


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