Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hello Spring!

Tomorrow is the first day of spring and today you can tell it is coming. We went outside to celebrate and played all afternoon! The weather was gorgeous and the warm sun felt so good. I even saw some of my day lilies peaking their head out of the ground! WOO HOO!! I am ready for green grass, warm weather and getting some great images of your kids and family outside!

I have had so many kind and encouraging replies after launching my site. I appreciate each and every one of you!!

Loving the swings!!

This Caterpillar is the best riding toy EVER for a little one - my guy just scoots around on here like crazy! Thanks to Santa!

Daddy is gearing up for bow hunting season - Brad loves to shoot his arrow at the target. He even can make a couple stick! Oh, yeah...that is his "mean, tough guy" face!!

And just in case you wondered where big brother was, well...lets just say he wasn't quite up for a great time outside...he is a bit under the weather! Poor baby.

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