Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"Books Are"....SOLD!

I am happy to report that the Literary Gala held this past Saturday night was a smashing success! The Gala was such a fun time and everyone was there to raise money for the new children's addition at our local library.

One of the committee chairs came up with the idea of doing a "READ" series of posters...well, after looking into it, the "READ" posters were trademarked, so we went off looking for a new slogan and came up with "BOOKS ARE". I convinced my son, Bradley to pose for my sample poster - and he did a great job, I believe he is a model in the making!! :) Check out our sample -

There were 12 posters up for silent auction and each winner will get their photo taken with their "BOOKS ARE" theme and each winner will receive an 11x14 print of the poster, plus the library will also receive a poster to display for one month and then keep and hopefully hang in the new conference room!! I have donated all my time and the prints to the library and am thrilled to report that Mandy Hall Photography raised over $1200 for the new addition!!

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