Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ashley & Crew

Wednesday I had the priveledge of doing family photos for Ashely (Volkmer) & Shane Conner and their beautiful little boys. We met up at the Volkmer residence in Neb City and headed off to have some fun! I felt at home wrangling two rambunctious little guys....

Thank you Ashley & Shane, I hope you had a Happy Turkey Day and have a safe trip back to


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Intoducting to the World....

Little Miss Ryelynn came into this world on Tuesday, November 11th. She is the newest addition to my husband's side of the family - and the only girl - poor thing. She will be surrounded by 6 boys who will protect her and teach her how to play swords and wrestle. Ha!

I had the pleasure of doing newborn photos of her this morning. She was so precious, but I believe she had a bit of a tummy ache - as she was out of sorts. She just would not settle down - but we were still able to get some wonderful shots.

Thank you Leah for bringing her over and Congrats to you!! Love you bunches!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!

Today the Wright family and I braved the cold temps outside!! As you may remember, Megan the Witch, was the winner of the Halloween Mini Session contest. Jodi wanted to get these family photos done before winter and I think we just barely squeezed it in! We had a cold, but great day - no wind today - which is a blessing considering we have had nothing but blustery cold days lately! Hello Winter!!

If anyone is still wanting photos done for Christmas - you must BOOK NOW! Just because we may not be able to head outside doesn't mean you are out of luck, I have studio space that will work just fine! But really, if you want these done, you must book your session ASAP!!

Thanks Wrights - I love you guys!!

Christmas Card Sample -
Did I say to get your sessions book soon??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This gave me baby fever!

But not bad enough to really act upon it. :)

Maxcey & Matt Smith are expecting their first child this month and I am sooo excited for them!! She decided to do my Belly & Baby Plan which includes 5 sessions (maternity, newborn, 3 months, 6 months & 1 year) and also a 5x5 leather album with 10 custom double sided pages!! How cool is that!! So, get ready for lots of little baby Smith here on my blog!

Congrats Maxcey & Matt!! Can't wait for "the call"!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Bradleys

The Bradley family had another top 10 fall day for their photo session. We were VERY lucky the weather held out for us - because after a couple of rescheduled appointments due to flu & wisdom teeth (ouch!) we still had a great day!

We had planned to do some photos in their own yard, but all of their trees had been stripped and it didn't look very good - so we took off for Brownville. That town is SO cool. I could find a thousand places to shoot there.

Thanks everyone - you are one gorgeous family!

I really love the image above - it just feels so real.

In Memory

To all of you who have been patiently waiting to view your images, get your final order or get in contact with me... I apologize for my absence. Things will get back on track this week!

Ben's grandmother Mamie Hall passed away last week and her funeral was this past Wednesday & then my grandmother, Marge Nichols, passed away on Monday & her funeral was on Friday. was a long, family filled week.

We had two beautiful services honoring two of the most wonderful, inspiring women. They both raised large families (10 & 14 kids!!) and they both were the "glue" of their families. They will be deeply missed.

Mamie's funeral was centered around her favorite prayer - the Serenity Prayer. It is a beautiful prayer that I had heard many times, but the true beauty of it had never hit me until I was sitting in the church during her funeral. It is a lovely message...

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;

Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr

Mrs. Marjorie Barbara Nichols

Mrs. Mamie Evelyn Hall


I think this may be my last senior session of the year. (insert a sad me here) I LOVE LOVE LOVE shooting seniors and am really looking forward to next year!

Joe, his mom and I took off for another kick a** photo "safari" on Friday - we had one of the best fall days EVER!

Thanks Joe!